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Updating SEAL APW Service

Updating to Version 6.2.0

  1. Uninstall your current version of SEAL Add Printer Wizard.

  2. Install SEAL APW Service

Hint - new default of ADMIN_ROUTE_ACCESS

Check, whether the new default of ADMIN_ROUTE_ACCESS affects your configuration.

Updating to Version 4.7.0

With SEAL APW Service version 4.7.0 the directory structure of the installation changes. Therefore the update requires different steps depending on your current version of SEAL Add Printer Wizard:

Hint - SOAP::Lite package for Perl required

You have to install the package with easyPRIMA, if you

  • use HTTPS/SSL data transfer to SEAL APW Service 4.7.0 and

  • use easyPRIMA version 1.3.1 or later.

Otherwise, the export from easyPRIMA to SEAL APW Service will not work. In this case the 500 SSL negotiation failed error message is written into the edc.log log file.

Stop the system and any Perl processes completely with sysstop -full before you install the package. Otherwise the Perl environment will be corrupted.

Updating from Version 4.x

The update process from version 4.x to 4.7.0 divides into three parts.

Preparing the New Directory Structure

  1. Open a shell and change to the installation directory of your SEAL APW Service.

  2. Stop SEAL APW Service:

    systemctl stop apw-rest
  3. Create the new directories and copy the old contents to the new locations:

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/seal/etc
    sudo cp -a /opt/seal/plossys/etc/* /opt/seal/etc
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/seal/data
    sudo cp -a /opt/seal/plossys/data/* /opt/seal/data
    sudo find /opt/seal/etc -type f -exec sed -i "s|/opt/seal/plossys/|/opt/seal/|g" "{}" \;
    sudo ln -fs /opt/seal/etc/mongod.conf /etc/mongod.conf

Updating the installation

  1. In a browser, log on to the SEAL Systems delivery platform with your logon data:

    Hint - logon data

    You receive the logon data from your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems.

  2. Download the APW Service - - rpm folder. It is saved as APW Service - -

  3. Extract the .zip archive:

    unzip "APW Service - -"
  4. Change to the APW Service - - rpm directory and start installing the packages:

    cd "APW Service - - rpm"
    sudo sh
  5. Open the required firewall ports for necessary services:

    sudo sh
  6. Start SEAL APW Service:

    systemctl start apw-rest

Cleaning up the Old Directory Structure

  1. Open a shell and change to the installation directory of your SEAL APW Service.

  2. Stop SEAL APW Service:

    systemctl stop apw-rest
  3. Customize the new configuration files in the following directory:

  4. Delete the *.rpmnew files:

    sudo rm /opt/seal/etc/*.rpmnew
  5. Remove the old installation directory:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/seal/plossys
  6. Start SEAL APW Service:

    systemctl start apw-rest

Updating from Previous Versions

  1. Uninstall your current version of SEAL Add Printer Wizard.

  2. Install SEAL APW Service

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