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Migrating from JBoss to Node.js

If you wish to change your SEAL APW REST service from using JBoss to using Node.js, you need to

  • update SEAL APW REST service on the server, then

  • update existing SEAL APW Clients.

Updating SEAL APW REST Service

Replace SEAL APW REST service 2.x running in JBoss by SEAL APW REST service 6.2.1.

  1. Open the easyPRIMA configuration file:

  2. Change the settings of EXPORT_URI and CONFIG_URI:

    EXPORT_URI        = "http://localhost:8084/apw-rest/admin/printers/"
    CONFIG_URI        = "http://localhost:8084/apw-rest/settings/sealapw"
  3. Set the port number to 8084. This number is used by later versions of SEAL APW REST service.

  4. Change to the easyPRIMA server and delete the following files:

  5. Delete any old SEAL APW REST service file from JBoss by reinitializing JBoss:


Gradual Migration from JBoss to Node.js

If you wish to replace your JBoss installation in order to use the SEAL APW REST service with Node.js, follow the instructions below:

  1. On the easyPRIMA server, open the JBoss SEAL APW REST configuration file:

  2. Change the values of urlPathTranslations, urlPathAllPrinters and urlPathMyPrinters to absolute URLs with the fully qualified domain name and the port number of Node.js SEAL APW REST service:

    {"key" : "urlPathTranslations", "value" : "http://fqdn:8085/apw-rest/translations/sealapw"},
    {"key" : "urlPathAllPrinters", "value" : "http://fqdn:8085/apw-rest/printers/all"},
    {"key" : "urlPathMyPrinters", "value" : "http://fqdn:8085/apw-rest/printers/my"},
    {"key" : "forceUpdateTranslations", "value" : "1"},
    {"key" : "forceUserName", "value" : "0"},
  3. Insert the new URL with the port number 8085 in the following registry key of all users:


    Caution - long duration

    Deploying the registry key may take days or weeks.

  4. Stop JBoss server to undeploy the old version of SEAL APW REST service:

  5. Restart JBoss server:


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