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Separating SEAL APW Service from the Management Server

SEAL APW Service is usually installed on the same management server as easyPRIMA. This way easyPRIMA can store the required dynamic data locally in the SEAL APW Service database.

Separating SEAL APW Service from this Management Server means easyPRIMA has to store the required dynamic data on a remote system instead. This might be useful e. g. in PLOSSYS 5 clusters for the reasons of system stability.

If you whish to separate SEAL APW Service from easyPRIMA and the management server, you need to change the configuration of both, SEAL APW Service and easyPRIMA.

Configuring SEAL APW Service

  1. In an editor, open the apw-rest.yml file.

  2. Activate the following parameters:

  3. Deactivate the following parameters:

    • omsHost
    • omsPort
    • omsType
  4. Activate the ADMIN_ROUTE_ACCESS parameter. This enables SEAL APW Service to receive data from the remote easyPRIMA.


    Hint - localhost only

    For security reasons, by default only the localhost user is granted access to the admin route.

  5. Configure an .htaccess password protection to secure the admin route despite easyPRIMA being granted access to all remote systems in the cluster.

    AUTH_ADMIN_TYPE: 'basic'
    HTPASSWD_ADMIN_FILE: '.../.htpasswd'

    For details on the .htaccess password protection, refer to the original documentation of the software producer: Apache HTTP Server Documentation.

    You will find .htpasswd generators in the internet.

Caution - firewall configuration

When installing SEAL APW Service, you have to open port number 8085 in the firewall configuration manually to grant access to SEAL APW Client.

Additionally, if you install SEAL APW Service on a remote system, you have to open port number 8084 in the firewall configuration manually to grant access to easyPRIMA.

Configuring easyPRIMA

  1. In your file manager or in the SEAL shell, change to the following directory:

  2. Open the edc.cfg configuration file.

  3. In the [APWREST] section, activate the following settings, if necessary, and replace localhost by the remote server name on which SEAL APW Service is installed:

    CONFIG_URI        = "http://<APW_Service_host_name>:8084/apw-rest/settings/sealapw"
    EXPORT_URI        = "http://<APW_Service_host_name>:8084/apw-rest/admin/printers"
    OMSCONFIG_URI     = "http://<APW_Service_host_name>:8084/apw-rest/admin/omsconfig"
    RELOADCACHE_URI   = "http://<APW_Service_host_name>:8084/apw-rest/admin/commands/reload-cache"
  4. Save the file and exit.

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